🌺Mistakes to avoid in natural dyeing and eco printing

Hi Reader,

I hope you had a great weekend!

Today I am popping into your inbox because I have some important information to share so that you avoid the most common mistakes when it comes to natural dyeing and eco printing!!!!

So, let's get right into it!

🌺The first most common mistake is choosing the wrong dyes. I can't emphasize enough how important it is to choose good natural dyes (both for dyeing and printing) you need to work with dyes which have good inherent dyeing properties to them, otherwise its like trying to squeeze water out of a rock.

If you want to discover which are the 10 best natural dyes you need to choose to create bright colors that last on fabrics and yarns you can sign up for the FREE TRAINING HERE!

🌺The second most common mistake is not to mordant your fibers appropriately, which means mordanting your cellulose fibers (cotton, linen) differently than your protein fibers (silks, wools).

To learn more about mordants and why we need to use them in out natural dyeing and eco printing practices you can check out these articles:

The importance of using a mordant in natural dyeing

Best mordants for eco printing fabric

🌺The third most common mistake is not working with natural fibers. This is super easy to avoid by simply checking which is the fiber composition of your yarns and fabrics.

A super simple trick is to do a simple fiber test. To learn how to perform a fiber test check out this article:

How to perform a fiber test

I have 7 more mistakes to share with you... so if you are wondering what they are, you can find out here🌹🌹

So...that's all from me today, I am sending you lots of creative hugs and wishing you a fabulous start to the week!🤩🤩

XOXO Victoria

PS: Sign up for the FREE NATURAL DYES TRAINING and find out which are the best dyes and how you need to be using them!

La Creative Mama

Welcome to the eco friendly world of natural dyeing and eco printing on fabrics! Discover the 10 BEST NATURAL DYES you need to be using (for fabric and yarn)…so that you can create bright natural pinks, reds, yellows and purples that ACTUALLY last and don’t wash away - AND START UPCYCLING AND TRANSFORMING OLD CLOTHES AND FABRICS!

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